Do Ultrasonic Pest Deterrents Affect Hedgehogs

Do Ultrasonic Pest Deterrents Affect Hedgehogs?

Yes, ultrasonic deterrents can be harmful to hedgehogs. These things emit sound frequencies that a hedgehog cannot hear. Exposing the hedgehog to the frequency generator for too long can lead to hearing loss or even death. Ultrasonic deterrents work by emitting ultrasound waves that disrupt the senses of a hedgehog, causing it to abandon the area.

This blog post will explore various ways to prevent hedgehogs from getting into your garden or home – from the most humane to the most violent. Ultrasonic deterrents start working within just a few seconds of being activated and can last for days.

So, you don’t have to spend hours chasing them out of your yard or finding them in a corner when you get back.

Is It Okay to Deter Your Hedgehog?

Hedgehogs can be quite destructive when they treat your home and garden as their home; This can be especially true if you live near the wild or have many trees in your yard. Once they start nesting, you’ll have a constant and vigorous stream of mice, frogs, and other animals visiting your house.

Their movements can also be unpredictable, leading to severe accidents. And if you have children or pets running around, you need to be extra careful.

Also, hedgehogs are nocturnal by nature; This means that at night – when people sleep – hedgehogs will prowl in search of food! And since their eyesight is relatively poor, their hearing is much more acute;

This means that when hedgehogs are active at night, they can hear things that you can’t and, in some cases, even see something that you can’t.

Hedgehogs carry fleas. These devices also protect from predation; getting rid of them is an easy choice!

What Cat Repellants Are Safe for Hedgehogs?

  • White vinegar and hydrogen peroxide solution. Spray both onto the hedgehog’s body, leave for about ten minutes, then rinse with water. Be sure to use a plastic bottle with a lid and not a glass one that could shatter when the animal tries to escape as it is drying.
  • Lemon essential oil (useful for scent marking and marking territory) 
  • Lysol disinfectant spray
  • Cinnamon essential oil (useful for scent marking and marking territory) 
  • Lavender essential oil (useful for scent marking, scented water bottles, and as a diffuser) 
  • Peppermint essential oil (useful for scent marking, scented water bottles, and as a diffuser) 
  • Cinnamon oil is the most effective deterrent. Cats don’t like the smell of it. Cats also have something called a ‘taste aversion.’ If you treat a cat with something unpleasant, it will remember that for a long time and steer clear of anything similar.
  • Neem oil will prevent cats from using the same landscaped area if used on the hedgehog’s burrow entrance or running path. It is not toxic to animals. You can buy neem at your local garden store.
  • A solution of equal parts white vinegar and water sprayed on the hedgehog’s coat is an effective deterrent against cats. 
  • A spray bottle of white vinegar and water solution will work as a repellent. Use on the hedgehog’s fur before you introduce it back into the wild. Cats dislike the smell and will leave it alone.

Hedgehog Ultrasonic FAQs

How to tell if ultrasonic cat repellents affect hedgehogs?

You can tell if ultrasonic cat repellents affect hedgehogs by experimenting to test if ultrasonic frequency sound waves can repel cats. 

For the experiment, you will need a sonic device that emits about 20 kilohertz and a cat, but it better be a domesticated cat as not all cats react well to frequencies above 14 kilohertz. 

This setup will trigger the cat’s defensive mechanism in the form of a hissing sound. Holding your ear next to the sonic device and hearing the hissing will prove that ultrasonic frequencies can repel domestic cats.

You can tell what is starting the hissing if you find any ultrasonic objects vibrating or producing vibrating or producing sound. 

Finding these objects while your cats are hissing will confirm that they do not like the sounds. You may also want to focus on your garden to determine what triggers the hissing sound.

Of course, you should not just try one experiment but repeat it many times, as some cats do not react well to ultrasonic frequencies and do not react at all.

How do you attract hedgehogs and not cats?

It can be helpful to provide them with exercise and a way to climb on a tree branch. Watch out for cats. They will kill hedgehogs as soon as they see them as prey. 

You can get a cat-proof cage that your hedgehogs can stay in all day during the winter months and into the early spring until you can find an outdoor home. They would be happy to call their own;) 

Giving it some food that resembles their regular diet may help them feel more comfortable.

You can also build a little nest or hide-out area where they feel like they can be safe without having to climb over your furniture and such.

If the hedgehog has been around longer and frequented a particular room in the house, offering food or simply being present will be enough. Once the hedgehogs have accepted your presence, you can watch for ovulation periods to know when to give birth by checking for empty eggs or pellets in their sheltering areas.

By placing a small hole in the garden lined with cardboard. Hedgehogs love to dig in the soil, especially if there is something hidden under the ground.

Make sure to place hedgehog-friendly plants around your garden.

Providing a long narrow, covered entrance hole that hedgehogs can easily dig through. Allowing hedgehogs inside freely does not need to be locked up like humans but is essential for the welfare of the hedgehog.

They are ensuring that hedgehogs can get food and water without barriers. They are giving them places to escape bad weather or small children playing near their homes.

Make sure that the area you are trying to attract hedgehogs to is suitable; There must be a proper fence and water source. 

Final Thoughts

That said, not all ultrasonic deterrents work the same way, and there isn’t just one solution – each has its pros and cons, and it’s up to you to find out which one is best for you. As far as we know, it would not harm if they were in or near the area where a sound is coming. 

It would be best to use other forms of deterrence, like spikes and balls. It is best if these sounds are not used as the sole protection against cats, as they may initially avoid the audible range but will eventually get familiar with it or learn how to deal with it.

However, a little hedgehog learning how to get past some other animal’s ability to be deterred could cause problems. 

You might find that you don’t have much luck deterring your cat without significantly impacting your hedgehog friend. These ultrasonic cat deterrents do affect the movements of hedgehogs.

Many of these old-fashioned deterrents form a noise similar to the “chirp” sound hedgehogs make.