Can Hedgehogs Drink Tea

Can Hedgehogs Drink Tea?

Hedgehogs can drink tea, but they should not drink too much. Hedgehogs are prone to dehydration; therefore, you need to be careful of their caffeine intake. If you give your hedgehog tea, ensure it is herbal and has no caffeine. Chamomile or mint tea are good options for hedgehogs.

In this blog post, I will discuss the different types of tea that hedgehogs enjoy and the health benefits they receive from drinking tea. Stay tuned for more information on how you can give your hedgehog the gift of tea.

What Type of Tea Can Hedgehogs Drink

Read on for a detailed discussion on the types of tea hedgehogs can enjoy.

Chamomile Tea

Hedgehogs can drink chamomile tea. Chamomile tea is a type of herbal tea that is made from the chamomile plant.

The chamomile plant is a member of the daisy family and has been used for centuries to treat various ailments.

Benefits of Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea has many health benefits, including:

Serves as a sedative: Chamomile tea has a calming effect and can help hedgehogs relax.

Reduces inflammation: Chamomile tea can help reduce swelling and inflammation.

Muscle relaxant: This type of tea can help relax muscles.

Mint Tea

Mint tea is an aromatic herb that has been used for centuries. It is a cross between watermint and spearmint. Hedgehogs can drink mint tea.

Benefits of Mint Tea

Mint tea has many benefits, including:

Aids in digestion: This type of tea can help with indigestion and bloating.

Soothes an upset stomach: If your hedgehog is feeling nauseous, mint tea may help settle its stomach.

Reduces inflammation: Mint tea can help reduce swelling and inflammation.

Unsweetened Fennel Tea

Fennel is an herb that has a sweet, licorice-like taste. It is related to the carrot family.

Fennel tea is made by steeping fennel seeds in boiling water. If your hedgehog is weak, in the beginning, you can give him/her some fennel tea with a little bit of honey.

This tea will help hedgehogs with their digestion and will also serve as a muscle relaxant.

How to Give Your Hedgehog Tea

If you want to give your hedgehog tea, it is important to do so safely. Follow these steps to give your hedgehog tea:

  • Boil water and let it cool before giving it to your hedgehog.
  • Fill a small bowl with the cooled water and add a chamomile or mint tea bag.
  • Allow the tea bag to steep for five minutes before removing it.
  • Pour the tea into a small dish and give it to your hedgehog.

Is Green Tea Safe for Hedgehogs?

No, green tea is not safe for hedgehogs. Green tea contains caffeine, which can be harmful to hedgehogs.

If you give your hedgehog green tea, it could lead to dehydration and other health problems. When giving your hedgehog tea, stick to herbal teas, such as chamomile or mint tea.

Effects of Caffeine on Hedgehogs

Caffeine can be harmful to hedgehogs. Some of the effects of caffeine on hedgehogs include:

  • Dehydration: Caffeine can cause dehydration in hedgehogs.
  • Anxiety and restlessness: If your hedgehog drinks too much tea, it may become anxious or restless.
  • Increased heart rate: Caffeine can cause an increased heart rate in hedgehogs.
  • Muscle tremors: Hedgehogs who drink too much tea may experience muscle tremors.

Is Black Tea Safe for Hedgehogs?

Black tea contains the highest amount of caffeine, so it is not recommended for hedgehogs. If you give your hedgehog black tea, they may experience the adverse effects of caffeine, such as dehydration, anxiety, and an increased heart rate.

How Much Tea Should Hedgehogs Drink?

Hedgehogs should not drink too much tea. Too much caffeine can be harmful to hedgehogs and lead to dehydration.

When giving your hedgehog tea, start with a small amount and increase the amount gradually. A good rule of thumb is to give your hedgehog no more than one cup of tea per day.

Benefits of Giving Tea to Your Hedgehog

Just like feeding your hedgehog benefits you and the pet, giving them tea has many benefits. Some of the benefits of giving your hedgehog tea include:


Hedgehogs are known to be shy animals. Giving your hedgehog tea can help them feel more comfortable around you and create a bond between you and the pet.


Tea can help hedgehogs relax. If your hedgehog is anxious or stressed, giving them chamomile tea can help them relax.

Health Benefits

As mentioned earlier, there are many health benefits to giving your hedgehog tea. Chamomile and mint tea can help digestion, reduce inflammation, and act as muscle relaxants.

What Drinks Do Hedgehogs Enjoy Apart from Tea?

Hedgehogs need to take plenty of fluids every day to stay hydrated. Water is the best drink for hedgehogs, but they can also have unsweetened fruit juice, such as apple or cranberry juice.

You can also give your hedgehog sugar-free cordials and squashes. Avoid giving your hedgehog sugary drinks, such as fizzy drinks, as these can lead to dental problems.

Hedgehogs should not drink milk as it can give them diarrhea. If you want to give your hedgehog a treat, you can give them a small amount of unsweetened yogurt or some chopped fruits or vegetables.

Avoid giving your hedgehog chocolate, as this can be poisonous to hedgehogs. Hedgehogs should also not drink alcohol, as this can be harmful to their health.

If you want to give your hedgehog a special treat, you can make them some hedgehog smoothies.

These are made with unsweetened fruit juices, water, and yogurt. You can find recipes for hedgehog smoothies online.

Remember to avoid giving your hedgehog sugary or fatty foods, as these can lead to obesity and other health problems. Hedgehogs need a balanced diet to stay healthy and happy.

Hedgehog & Tea FAQs

Do hedgehogs like tea?

Hedgehogs generally don’t like tea. This is because hedgehogs are sensitive to caffeine, which can adversely affect their health.

If you give your hedgehog tea, it’s important to start with a small amount and increase it gradually.

What type of tea is best for hedgehogs?

The best type of tea for hedgehogs is chamomile or mint tea. These types of tea are naturally caffeine-free and can offer many health benefits to hedgehogs.

Chamomile and mint tea can help with digestion, reduce inflammation, and act as muscle relaxants.

Can hedgehogs take milk?

Do not give hedgehogs milk, as it can give them diarrhea. Hogs are lactose intolerant, and their stomachs can’t digest milk properly.

If you want to give your hedgehog a treat, you can give them a small amount of unsweetened yogurt or some chopped fruits or vegetables.

What foods do hedgehogs like?

Hedgehogs generally like fruits and vegetables. Some of their favorites include apples, bananas, blueberries, carrots, and cucumbers.

You can also give your hedgehog sugar-free cordials and squashes. Avoid giving your hedgehog sugary drinks, such as fizzy drinks, as these can lead to dental problems.

Final Thoughts

Hedgehogs can take tea. Chamomile and mint tea are the best options as they don’t contain caffeine.

Not only does tea provide hedgehogs with many health benefits, but it can also help them relax and bond with their owner. If you want to give your hedgehog a treat, consider giving them some tea.

I hope this article has helped you understand more about hedgehogs and whether or not they can drink tea. Now, let’s talk about if hedgehogs can drink coffee!