Can You Use Artificial Grass for Hedgehogs

Can You Use Artificial Grass for Hedgehogs

You can use artificial grass for hedgehogs; the grass is safe and provides a comfortable place to sleep. Hedgehogs are nocturnal creatures that spend most of their time sleeping during the day. If you have an artificial lawn, your hedgehog will be able to find a safe and comfortable place to sleep.

In this blog post, I will discuss the benefits of using artificial grass for hedgehogs and how to install it in your backyard.

Can You Use Artificial Grass for Hedgehogs

Here are some benefits of using artificial grass for hedgehogs:


Hedgehogs can be affected by the pesticides and herbicides used on real grass. Artificial turf is made of synthetic materials that are not harmful to hedgehogs.

Provides a Comfortable Place to Sleep

Artificial grass has been designed to provide a comfortable place to sleep. Hedgehogs are nocturnal creatures that spend most of their time sleeping during the day.

When they are not sleeping, they look for a place to hide from predators.

Easy to Install

Artificial turf is easy to install. You can do it yourself or hire a professional. If you hire a professional, they will usually charge by the square foot.

Easy to Clean

Your cage needs to be cleaned regularly to prevent the spread of disease. Artificial turf is easy to clean and does not require special cleaners.

You can hose it down with water and mild soap.

How To Choose Artificial Grass for Hedgehogs

There is a variety of artificial turf on the market. When choosing artificial grass for hedgehogs, you should consider the following factors:

Pile Height

The pile height is the thickness of the artificial grass. Hedgehogs need a soft surface to sleep on, so you should choose an artificial turf with a short pile height.

Cleaning this short turf is easier and less tempting for hedgehogs to chew on.


The texture of the artificial turf should be soft and comfortable. Hedgehogs have sensitive skin, so you should avoid artificial turf with a rough texture.

A short, dense, and soft turf is the best option for hedgehogs.


Artificial turf is available in a variety of price ranges. Choose the artificial turf that fits your budget.

You can find cheap artificial turf at most home improvement stores.

Blade Shape

The blade shape is the shape of the individual grass blades. Hedgehogs need a surface that is soft and not abrasive.

You should choose artificial turf with round or oval-shaped blades.

6 Steps On How To Install Artificial Grass for Hedgehogs

Installing artificial grass in your hedgehog’s cage is easy. You can do it yourself or hire a professional. If you’re installing the artificial turf yourself, follow these steps:

Step 1: Measure the Area of Your Cage

Using a tape measure, measure the length and width of your cage. This will help you determine how much artificial turf you need to buy.

You should also buy an adhesive to attach the turf to the floor of the cage.

Step 2: Cut the Artificial Turf to Size

Using a sharp knife, cut the artificial turf to size. Make sure the pieces are big enough to cover the entire area of your cage.

Step 3: Install the Artificial Turf

Apply the adhesive on the floor and place the artificial turf on top. Press down firmly to make sure the turf is secure.

Use a hammer to tack the turf down around the edges of your cage.

Step 4: Let the Adhesive Dry

Allow the adhesive to dry for 24 hours before letting your hedgehog into the cage. This will give the adhesive time to cure and bond with the floor.

Step 5: Add Some Accessories

You can add some accessories to make your hedgehog’s cage more comfortable. You can add a water bowl, food dish, or hiding place.

Your hedgehog will appreciate these extra touches.

Step 6: Enjoy Your New Cage

Now that you’ve installed artificial turf in your hedgehog’s cage, you can sit back and enjoy. Your hedgehog will have a safe and comfortable place to sleep and play.

Congratulations on creating a wonderful home for your hedgehog.

Downsides of Using Artificial Grass for Hedgehogs

While artificial grass has many benefits, there are a few downsides to using it for hedgehogs.

The Hedgehog Might Eat It

Hedgehogs are known for chewing on things. If you’re not careful, your hedgehog might chew on the artificial turf and eat it.

This can cause digestive problems for hedgehogs.

The last thing you want is for your hedgehog to get sick, so be sure to keep an eye on them. If you notice your hedgehog chewing on the turf, remove it from its cage.

It Might Be Too Hot

In warm weather, artificial turf can get very hot. This can be dangerous for hedgehogs since they are prone to heatstroke.

If the weather is warm, you should provide your hedgehog with a cool place to stay. You can do this by placing a frozen water bottle in their cage or by giving them a cooling pad to lay on.

It Might Be Too Abrasive

The blades of artificial turf can be very sharp. If the turf is too abrasive, it can damage your hedgehog’s skin. To avoid this, choose artificial turf with soft, round blades.

It Might Not Drain Well

If the artificial turf doesn’t drain well, it can create a breeding ground for bacteria. This can cause respiratory problems for hedgehogs.

Things To Keep in Mind When Using Artificial Grass for Hedgehogs

Here are a few things to keep in mind when using artificial grass for hedgehogs:

Fresh Earth Smell

Hedgehogs are attracted to the fresh earth smell, so ensure the artificial turf you choose is not scented.

Use of Chemicals

You’ll also want to avoid using chemicals on your artificial grass, as these can harm hedgehogs. Chemicals can also make the artificial turf more abrasive and cause skin irritation.

Proper Drainage

Make sure the artificial turf you choose has proper drainage to avoid creating a breeding ground for bacteria.

Artificial Grass and Hedgehogs FAQs

Is all artificial grass safe for hedgehogs?

As long as you choose an artificial turf that is soft, round, and chemical-free, it should be safe for hedgehogs. Be sure to avoid using turf that is scented or has poor drainage.

Where can I buy artificial turf for hedgehogs?

You can find artificial turf for hedgehogs at most pet stores. You can also find it online. Be sure to read the product descriptions carefully to ensure you’re getting the right type of turf for your hedgehog.

What happens when a hedgehog eats artificial turf?

If a hedgehog eats artificial turf, it may experience digestive problems. If you notice your hedgehog chewing on the turf, remove it from its cage.

How do I clean artificial turf for hedgehogs?

To clean artificial turf for hedgehogs, use warm water and mild soap. Avoid using chemicals, as these can harm hedgehogs.


Artificial turf can be a great addition to a hedgehog’s cage. It provides a soft, comfortable place for them to sleep and play.

Just be sure to choose the right turf type and avoid using chemicals. With proper care, your hedgehog will enjoy their new home. I hope this article was helpful.