Do Ferrets Get Hurt Easily

Do Ferrets Get Hurt Easily | How Can You Tell?

Ferrets are delicate animals and they do get hurt easily. You can tell that your ferret is hurt by observing its behavior. Hurt Ferrets show signs such as hiding, aggression, trembling, collapse, squinting eyes, whimpering, hiding and teeth grinding. A lot of things and conditions can hurt your ferrets

 Most ferrets rarely express pain or distress at least after the initial injury. This means a ferret’s response to pain or distress is generally very little response at all. Ferrets have very high pain tolerance, but tolerance is not an absence of pain.

How Can Ferrets Get Hurt 

Anything that can hurt human beings can hurt your ferrets. The most common cause of ferret injuries is falling.

Ferrets have poor eyesight and are very playful. This combination is a recipe for disaster on your ferret since they like climbing and hoping a lot. 

Another way ferrets can get hurt or be in pain is through accidents, diseases, and fights with other pets. Therefore be on the lookout for these factors to keep your ferret from pain and agony. 

Signs of a Hurt Ferret 

Here is a list of signs to tell if your ferret is in distress.


The majority of animals lick the places where they are injured or have open sores. Some may lick their feet when they suffer allergies or irritation in their feet.

 If you find your ferret licking at a particular location, you should take them to the vet. Your ferret may be suffering from sores, cuts, or even an infection, and they may be attempting to heal themselves.


The natural tendency of a ferret when hurt is to hide because they are unable to defend themselves. Even your tamed ferret will have this instinct to protect itself when it is hurting.

While hiding is not a sign of a specific condition, it is an excellent predictor of pain.

You should be concerned if you observe your ferret hiding more than usual. This is a solid indication that they are hurting. 

You should not, however, attempt to coerce a ferret from its hiding place. If you pull on a ferret’s tail and it gets hurt, you could make the injury worse. Instead, use a reward to gently encourage them out of hiding.

Once they have come out of hiding, you will have the opportunity to examine them. 


In many animals, whether they are aware of it or not, hostility can be an indication of pain. When your ferret is in discomfort, it will not accept cuddles or play with you.

Your ferret will sometimes go so far as to barricade their cage against you and your other cage mates to protect themselves.

If your ferret suddenly becomes violent, you might believe that he or she is in pain. Although a superficial injury may be the cause of this type of change, this is not always the case. It is usually encountered in the context of more serious illnesses, such as lymphoma.

Unless you see any cuts or lumps on your ferret’s body, you may want to look into the source of the problem internally. If you keep a close eye on your ferret, you’ll detect further signs of disease or pain that will aid you in solving the riddle. 

Furthermore, all of this information will assist your veterinarian in diagnosing your ferret more swiftly and accurately.

Grinding Teeth

Listening to a ferret’s teeth might also reveal whether or not it is in pain. When your ferret grinds its teeth, it’s clear that it’s in discomfort.

In addition, it’s a solid sign your ferret isn’t feeling well.

If your ferret has an upset stomach, the most likely cause is bad food. Your ferret may have a hard time. Your veterinarian can help you manage the discomfort.

Most of the time, a ferret will get it all by itself. However, it can get stuck and necessitate medical intervention.

The stomach upset could be because you recently changed your ferret’s food. This difficulty can be alleviated by making gradual transitions to new foods over a week. And there’s always the chance that your ferret won’t like it.


Ferrets can spend the entire day romping around and pouncing on. Unless they’re napping, they never seem to slow down. If your ferret begins to limp or favor one limb, they are hurting.

The paw pads should be checked first to see if that helps. It’s important that nothing sharp can get between your toes and your footpads. Using tweezers, removing everything you find, and applying antibacterial ointment will help you avoid becoming sick.

As a further step, look for symptoms of a fracture in any of the limbs. Lumpy or swollen patches on the leg are often signs of this condition.

A fractured limb, on the other hand, cannot be treated at home. You should take your ferret to the veterinarian immediately to avoid the break from worsening.

Finally, make sure all of the joints are functioning properly. A ferret’s shoulder or hip can dislocate easily.

These are generally repositionable with a little massage. However, if the situation is critical, your ferret will require an x-ray to identify the best course of action.  


When your ferret whimpers or squirms a little, they may be in pain. The presence of pain when you touch your ferret usually indicates that it had an accident. 

When they’re having fun, they can be a little rowdy, and accidents can happen. Just like us, they’re prone to tripping and falling, which might result in an injury to a joint or bruising. 

If your pet has a broken bone, you should seek immediate medical attention from a veterinarian. However, minor cuts and bruises will go away on their own.

To help your ferret feel better, simply offer him/her more attention and cuddles. 

Peeked and Tired-Looking Face

If your ferret is squinting, it’s a sign that something is wrong. Look at your ferret in the light when you realize it is squinting.

Scratches, dirt, and mucous in the eyes should be inspected.

Corneal scratches can be excruciatingly painful and annoying. They may even become infected in rare circumstances.

You can remove dirt from the eye by squirting a few drops of contact saline into it till it comes out. To protect your ferret’s eye from being scratched, never rub it.

While your ferret will not be in agony as a result of the squinted eyes, he or she will be in excruciating discomfort. As a result, it should receive the appropriate medical attention. 

Final Thoughts

A wide variety of factors might contribute to ferret pain; practically anything that can prove harmful in humans can also induce pain in your ferret. 

If you have a suspicion that something is wrong with your ferret, you are almost certainly accurate; therefore, until proven otherwise, presume that all injuries are painful. 

Metal cage flooring can cause delicate footpads to become inflamed, particularly in aged ferrets. Read more here about ferret’s common health issues so you can help identify what is wrong.

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