When Does a Dead Hamster Start to Smell

When Does a Dead Hamster Start to Smell?

As a hamster parent, you will always suffer from the fear of losing your pet. You may therefore wonder how long a dead hamster will take before it starts to smell. A dead hamster will start to smell pretty bad after a few days. If you are unfortunate enough to find yourself in this situation, there are a few things that you can do to make the process of disposing of the body a bit easier.

In this article, I will discuss when and why a hamster starts to smell and how you can handle it.

When Does a Dead Hamster Start to Smell?

A dead hamster will start to smell bad after a few days. The main reason for this is the bacteria that start to break down the body.

If you leave a dead hamster in the cage, the smell will worsen. This is because the cage will absorb the smell, and it will be hard to get rid of.

If your hamster dies while traveling, you may not notice the smell for a while. This is because you may be moving around and the smell may not be strong at the beginning, once you get home, the smell will be very strong.

You, therefore, need to take care of the body as soon as possible to avoid the smell. There are a few different ways that you can do this.

What are the Effects of the Smell of a Dead Hamster?

Because toxic gases and tiny compounds from the deceased animal are regularly discharged into the interior air, the scent of a dead hamster may damage one’s health. The gases penetrate the respiratory system and might cause sickness if your house does not have proper aeration.

The smell of a dead hamster releases methane and carbon dioxide. These gases are heavier than air and will stay close to the ground.

If these gases are not vented out, they can cause death by asphyxiation.

The smell can also lead to:

  • Headaches: This is because methane gas is a powerful neurotoxin.
  • Nausea and vomiting: These are a result of the carbon dioxide in the air.
  • Dizziness: This is because of the low oxygen levels in the air.

If you have any other animals in the house, they will also be affected by the smell. Dogs and cats will start to vomit and have diarrhea. Birds will start to suffocate and die.

You should also be aware that some animals will try to eat a dead hamster. This is because the body gives off a strong scent of blood.

This can be dangerous for the animal as it can contract diseases from the dead hamster.

How to Get Rid of the Smell

It is important to take care of the body as soon as possible. There are a few different ways that you can do this.


One way to take care of the body is to cremate it. This is where the body is burned.

This is a very good option if you do not want to see the body. It is also a good option if you live in an apartment and do not have a garden to bury the body in.

The downside of this option is that it can be expensive. You will also need to find someone who offers this service.


The most common way to dispose of a dead hamster. This will stop the bacteria from breaking down the body and causing the smell.

You should dig a deep enough hole so that the body is completely covered. This will take a few months for the body to decompose. This is a good option if you have access to a garden.

If your hamster dies when you are out on a trip or a vacation, you can bury it when you get home.

The downside of this option is that it can take a long time for the body to decompose. This is because the ground is cold and does not allow bacteria to grow.


This is an option for those who are environmentally conscious. You can put the body in a compost bin.

This will take a few months for the body to decompose. You should then be able to use the compost on your plants.

The downside of this option is that it can attract animals to your house.

Disposal Service

Another option is to use a disposal service. This is where someone will come and pick up the body and dispose of it for you.

This is a good option if you do not have access to a garden or do not want to see the body. The downside of this option is that it can be expensive. You will also need to find someone who offers this service.

Use a Freezer

You can put the dead hamster in a freezer until you dispose of the body. This will put a stop to the bacteria from breaking down the body and causing the smell.

The downside of this option is that it can be difficult to find a place to put the body if you do not have a chest freezer. You should only use this option if you are sure that you will be able to dispose of the body within a few days.

How can You Get Rid of the Dead Hamster Smell?

The smell may continue to linger around even after you dispose of the hamster. The smell can last for weeks or even months if not taken care of.

This is because the bacteria will continue to release the gases.

To get rid of the smell, you should do the following:

  • You can try to air out the room by opening all windows and doors. You can also try to use a fan to help circulate the air.
  • You can also try to use a dehumidifier. This will help to remove some of the moisture in the air. This will also help to stop the growth of bacteria.
  • You can also try to use an air purifier. This will help to remove the gases from the air.
  • You should also try to clean any areas that the hamster was in. This includes their cage, bedding, and any toys. You should wash these items in hot water and detergent. You should also disinfect the items.
  • You can also try to use a room spray. This will help to mask the smell. You can also try to use a scented candle.

How to Prevent the Smell

The best way to prevent the smell is to take care of your hamster while it is alive. This means cleaning out the cage regularly and giving your hamster a good diet.

You should also take your hamster to the vet for regular check-ups to avoid its sudden death.

Final Thoughts

A dead hamster starts to smell after a very short time of death. The smell has a number of effects on you, and you must dispose of the body correctly and get rid of the smell.

I hope this article has helped you learn how to properly dispose of your dead friend’s body and get rid of the smell it may leave behind.