Is Cloth Safe for Hamsters

Is Cloth Safe for Hamsters?

No. Cloth is particularly dangerous to hamsters; if the hamster swallows it, it may cause constipation and intestinal obstruction, preventing the contents of the intestines from reaching the lower bowels. It’s also possible that the material will get wrapped around the neck, causing a choke.

No textile has been determined to be safe for hamsters; nevertheless, if you are sure the material is made of fleece, your hamster should be fine in it. As a result, synthetic fibers such as polyester and nylon should not be given to hamsters since they are readily twisted in the loose thread and are difficult to remove.

Hamsters are commonly kept as small house pets; the common species is the Syrian hamster. They have heavyset legs, with small ears and short nails.

Do you wish to put a fabric piece in the hamster’s cage? This article will tell you if the material is safe for your hamster and the risks.

Is It Safe to Cloth Your Hamster?

Cloth is not recommended owing to the risk of choking. The fiber wraps around their bodies, especially their necks, causing strangulation and paralysis.

If you are wondering if you can use cloth for your hamster’s bedding, you can use the following options:

Scraps of paper

Fill your hamster’s cage with shredded paper and tissues, but stay away from paper and tissues that contain lotions or chemicals like ink or glue.


Because hamsters can digest it, hay is a safe bedding option. Your hamster will enjoy nibbling on hay and utilizing it to improve the comfort of his burrow.

Although it has poor absorbent ability, it should be replaced every week. 

Paper pulp

Paper pulp is more cost-effective to produce and supplies acceptable bedding materials for your hamsters.

Shredded cardboard

Cardboard is obtained from plain boxes, and the shredding is done with scissors and then completed by hand. Sharp edges can be dangerous.

Any cardboard that has been treated with ink for hamsters should be discarded.

What Happens If Your Hamster Eats a Piece of Cloth?

Because hamsters prefer to grind their teeth, they may consume cloth into their cheek pouches, which may be a choking hazard. However, constipation is still possible if choking does not occur and the material gets into the alimentary canal.

Abdominal pain, a swollen anus, and forceful bowel motions are all possible symptoms of constipation. Your pet specialist may perform an X-ray to establish if there are any intestinal blockages.

The hamster may require surgery to remove the partially clogged intestine.

Which Type of Cloth Is Suitable for Your Hamster?

Most fabrics are readily chewed and torn up by hamsters. On the other hand, fleece is the safest cloth for hamsters.

As long as they are regulated, fleece is safe for your hamster. Yarn is also cost-effective since it can be washed. Fiber can be given to your hamsters during playtime. 

However, during the first time in the cage, fleece material should not be used for bedding or nesting since hamsters tend to rip fabric and pouch it, making fleece harmful if bitten. When buying fleece, read the label carefully and remove any available stitches because the yarn contains polyester thread. 

You should avoid clothing your hamster in the following cloth materials:

Polyester should only be used if you are keeping an eye on the hamster, and it should also not be left for a lengthy period.

Avoid using nylon since there’s a reasonable risk that the hamster may tangle it around its limbs, causing paralysis and, eventually, amputation.

Rayon has loose strands that tangle readily, and the hamster cannot gnaw through them since they are strong.

Cotton ball cloth: We believe that fluffy bedding gives a good night’s sleep. Cotton ball cloth is harmful and can induce internal obstruction and choking, leading your hamster to die slowly. As a result, it is not advised.

What Else Should My Hamster Not Use?

Litter for cats

This material is quite dusty and may obstruct the hamster’s breathing apparatus.

Pine shavings and cedar shavings

You should avoid these products since they are toxic to hamsters.

Maize cobs

It’s sometimes touted as one of the cheapest ways to get bedding for your hamster, but if the hamster swallows it, it could cause stomach problems.

Is It Okay to Cloth a Hamster?

Clothing hamsters is not a good idea since their fur regulates their body temperature; consequently, dressing your hamster is harmful. Despite being distressed, most individuals believe dressing the hamsters will make them cute and attractive.

I assume you would find a hamster clothed in a sweater adorable; nevertheless, this does not imply that the hamster is impressed. The hamster may try to flee while you’re trying to dress it, indicating that the action is stressful.

Humans assume that wearing more clothing during the winter is necessary because the house is cold. As a result, you believe your hamster requires a jacket, but they do not.

Can a Hamster Use a Hammock?

Most hamsters utilize hammocks because they like the warmth of the fabric as they burrow, but some do not. As a result, determining which hamsters would enjoy hammocks is difficult. To find out if your hamster enjoys hammocks, you must first expose it to one.

When you decide to build a hammocks cage, you should consider the following guideline:

The material’s texture

Hamsters enjoy grinding their teeth through chewing. As a result, they exhibit distinct characteristics such as curiosity and conduct.

They have a habit of biting whatever they come across. The hamster’s safety may be jeopardized if the improper fabric is used, as this could lead to:

  • Swallowing soft food causes damage to the alimentary canal and limb numbness.
  • Stuffing the fabric into their pouch cheeks causes it to become entangled in their paws or teeth.
  • Impaction.

The scenarios mentioned above are unsettling. To avoid such injuries, it is critical to inspect the hammock’s fabric before presenting it to the hamster.

It’s worth noting that hamsters prefer soft fluffy stuff; consequently, if you enjoy smooth fabric, keep it away from the hamster, as it will rip it, bring it up to the nest in its cheeks, and become entangled in it later.

Precautions to Take When Exposing Hamsters to The Hammock

  • Ensure there are no sharp items around because the hammocks are sometimes sewed very firmly to the plastic thread. This ensures that there are no injuries experienced.
  • The hammock’s attachments should be strong to hold the hamster.
  • Tidy up when the hamster empties their cheek pouch
  • Because hamsters have a strong odor, do not use fabric with a strong scent.
  • Be patient. Let your hamster learn the hammock. 

Final Thoughts

Generally, it is not safe to cloth a hamster. However, it is still possible that you can clothe them as long you are careful.

You want to make sure they do not bite on or chew the cloth. If you are not always around your hamster, you shouldn’t clothe them. 

Note, however, that there are many other fabric options for your hamster. Just be sure to check the labels and read reviews to find out whether or not your hamster will be safe in them.

Hopefully, this article has been helpful. Consider the tips I provided above, and your hamster should be fine and cozy.