Gender Reveal: How To Tell Male Vs. Female Hamsters

Are you a new hamster owner? Congratulations on your adorable new pet! However, it’s important to understand the differences between male and female hamsters so you can provide appropriate care and prevent unwanted breeding.

Luckily, sexing hamsters can be done when they are around one month old, but it can be difficult for inexperienced owners to know what to look for.

In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide on how to determine your hamster’s gender, including differences between males and females such as the location of their genitalia and scent glands. We’ll also discuss housing and sexual maturity, so you can ensure your hamster is living comfortably and healthily.

By the end of this article, you’ll be a pro at identifying male and female hamsters and providing the best care for your furry friend.

Determining Hamster Gender

To determine your hamster’s gender, you can follow the guide on how to find out a hamster’s gender. This involves looking for noticeable sexual organs and differences between male and female hamsters. Hamsters can be sexed when they are about one month old, but inexperienced owners should wait until hamsters develop noticeable sexual organs.

Male hamsters have large testicles and prominent scent glands. Their penis is located further from the anus. Female hamsters have nipples and a vaginal opening near the anus. They emit a smell when they go into heat every 3-5 days.

It’s important to correctly identify your hamster’s gender, especially if you’re considering hamster breeding. Males and females should not be housed together permanently as they can mate and produce offspring. Additionally, gender-neutral housing is not recommended as it can lead to aggression and fighting between hamsters.

Dwarves can live together if they are from the same litter and the same gender. However, it’s still important to monitor their behavior to ensure they get along.

Differences Between Males and Females

By observing certain physical characteristics, you can differentiate between hamsters of the opposite sex. Female hamsters have nipples and a vaginal opening located near the anus. They also emit a noticeable odor when in heat every 3-5 days.

On the other hand, male hamsters have large testicles and prominent scent glands, with a penis located further from the anus. Male dwarf hamsters also have prominent scent glands. Females are usually bigger than males and have two rows of nipples on their bellies.

Aside from physical characteristics, behavior differences can also help determine the gender of a hamster. Female hamsters emit a smell when they go into heat, while male hamsters tend to mark their territory with scent glands.

It’s important to correctly identify the gender of your hamster to prevent unwanted breeding and aggression. By observing these physical characteristics and behavior differences, you can accurately determine the gender of your hamster.

Housing and Sexual Maturity

When housing hamsters, it’s important to keep in mind that they shouldn’t be permanently housed together regardless of their age or size, and that they reach sexual maturity at different ages.

While dwarf hamsters of the same gender and litter can live together, male and female hamsters shouldn’t be housed together permanently. This is because hamsters are territorial animals and can become aggressive towards each other, leading to injuries or even death.

It’s also important to note the age at which hamsters reach sexual maturity. Female hamsters become sexually mature at around 6 weeks old, while male hamsters reach sexual maturity at around 10 weeks old.

It’s important to separate male and female hamsters before they reach sexual maturity to prevent accidental breeding and to avoid any potential health complications. By keeping these pairing options and age for sexual maturity in mind, hamster owners can help ensure the safety and well-being of their pets.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully learned how to determine the gender of your hamster. Remember to be patient and gentle when handling your hamster to avoid causing stress or injury.

Knowing your hamster’s gender is important for providing appropriate housing and preventing unwanted breeding. As your hamster reaches sexual maturity, it’s important to monitor their behavior and provide appropriate care.

For example, if you have a female hamster, it’s important to be aware of the risk of pregnancy and provide a safe and comfortable nesting area. If you have a male hamster, it’s important to provide enough space and enrichment to prevent aggression and territorial behavior.

Let’s say you have a female hamster named Daisy. After determining her gender, you provide her with a comfortable nesting area and monitor her closely for signs of pregnancy. As she grows older, you notice changes in her behavior and provide additional enrichment to meet her needs.

With your knowledge of hamster gender and behavior, you can provide Daisy with the best possible care and ensure her health and happiness.